
New Feature! Elevation profile of your route is available!!

Long waited feature has come at last, the elevation profile of the route.
Please take a look at it with the brand new route for the Vancouver marathon 2012 by clicking the link below. Clicking 'Show the elevation profile' button will show you the profile.

You can view the profile of your own route from the VIEW mode (not editing mode) by selecting the route from the 'Route Library' page, click the 'VIEW' button or the name of the route, then 'Show the elevation profile' button will appear at the left bottom of the map for you to click.

There are limitation of requests at Google server.
It returns error if your routes point exceed about 400 or total daily number from the site exceed 25000.
Reducing the points less than 400 by editing the route will fix this problem.
This limitation would be changed in the future by Google.

Google terrain data doesn't have the height for the bridges. They will appear as sea/river level instead of the height of the bridge where you go up and down. Sorry.

I hope you enjoy this new feature!!