
A bug fixed

A bug which caused route update function error has been fixed.


3 more bugs fixed

2 drawing bugs and a search bug have been fixed.


New feature! Jog Tours!!

We have just added a new feature of the site!
It's Jog Tours!!

This will be one of most interesting feature of the site.
This shows you how great workout you have done by virtually letting you travel all around the world.

It show you where you are running on the tour route calculating total distance of your workout.

Well since it's still beta status, there is only one tour, which is Trans Canada - Halifax to Vancouver, but I will soon add more tours.
Your request will be appreciated!


Bug fix update

1. Shoes info in search result has been fixed.
2. Flash tag has been fixed. Extra click to activate logstats (Flash) on Vista is no longer required.


All the known bugs are fixed

We fixed all the known bugs which appeared due to server upgrade.

It's a cool sunday afternoon here in Vancouver.
Enjoy running / jogging !

Some bugs due to PHP upgrade.

When the server was upgraded, php version was slso upgraded to 5. And now I found some bugs apearing at Route Libray and Injury calender.

Thanks for being patient, I will fix this asap!


The server is being upgraded!!

Eventually Running Smile server will be running on VPS server in a day or two.
That is a Virtual Dedicated Server. It's been on a shared server till now, but from now on, its performance will be way more stable!
I have got some comments about the performance of the server, but this will fix it!

Due to transfering the data to new server, there will be some propagation time difference for your provider's server to pick up the data from our new server via updated domain name server.

All the latest data will be moved but there is a tiny chance to miss your latest jog record input because of that propagetion time.
If this happens, would you please input that record again....

Thanks for your patience.


Update: Some more bugs have been fixed

Due to the fix of yesterday, The distance and duration display was incorrect in the log stats page. Now it's been fixed.

RSS feed had a bug. The display of xml file made an error message when you include "&" character in the memo. This has been fixed too.


Stats Log is updated.

The variable loading issue, and some other minor bugs were fixed today.
Now, the stas log pages are much more stable!
Stats Log engine is now version 1.9.


Help pages are up!

Help pages of the site is now available!
Yes, we are very close to the official opening of the site now.


New feature: Weight history line graph

New feature has been added!
Now you can see your weight gain/loss history in line graph!
There are 5 spans: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years.
Yeh, it would help your diet for sure!

You can also see day's detail by roll over the dots on the line, and jump to the log page of that date of the dot by click.


New feature is up! Bar Graphs!!

Now, RunningSmile.com has just added a new feature, the bar graphs.
It will show you monthly distance, monthly duration, yearly distance and yearly duration of your run.
With this feature you can see how much you run on average clearly.
I hope this will be an addition to the motivation for your run!!


New feature: Powerful log search!

A good news from Running Smile!
We have just added new powerful log searching feature!
Now you can screen and sort your run records/log into very detail, not only your run data, but also weather, temperture data too.
Please try this usuful search at www.runningsmile.com.
This feature is available at 'Log Stats', click 'Log Search' Button.


Greetings from Running Smile

Hi, My name is Masaru Horie, the producer of Running Smile, also a daily jogger/runner since 2005 summer.
I have run 3 full marathons so far, 2 in Vancouver and 1 in Victoria, I will run one in Okanagan this fall.

Well, the reason of this site is:,
When I was making running record of my run, I was not very lucky to find a good web site to do it.
So I decided to make one which is useful for jogger/runners to keep the record easy and fun to watch.

This site is 90% completed so far, still I need to add powerful search function, and help pages, but most part of the site are already working fine to use.

I hope this site would help you keep your motivation of running/jogging high!

I am planning to release this site officially in July or August.
Your feedback and request to the site is always very welcome.
Please send it from our 'Contact us' page.

I keep updated this blog when something new is up on the site.

Have a good run!